مسكن > مقالات > مسحوق كربيد السيليكون الأسود للمواد الكاشطة المطلية

مسحوق كربيد السيليكون الأسود للمواد الكاشطة المطلية

مسحوق كربيد السيليكون الأسود للمواد الكاشطة المطلية

Black Silicon Carbide Powder For Coated Abrasives is a special abrasive for coated abrasives after quartz (the main chemical composition is SiO2) وكوك البترول (the main chemical composition is carbon) are fused, smelted at high temperature to make sand, crushed and screened and shaped, black silicon carbide micro powder also needs to go through acid washing overflow classification (water washing process). Black silicon carbide P grit particles are sharper than F grit. This shape makes it easier for the particles to adhere black silicon carbide particles to coated abrasive substrates, such as cloth and paper bases, and to adhere tightly to these substrates.

Black Silicon Carbide Powder For Coated Abrasives Features

  • صلابة عالية, toughness and high wear resistance.
  • Excellent thermal shock resistance with high thermal conductivity and low linear thermal expansion
  • Good particle distribution with good particle consistency, which facilitates uniform distribution of abrasives on the substrate.
  • Good resistance to the strongest bases and acids.

Black Silicon Carbide Powder For Coated Abrasives Chemical composition

SiC ≥98%
SiO2 ≤1%
ح2ا3 ≤0.5%
الحديد2ا3 ≤0.1%
ف ≤0.15%
Magnets ≤0.02%

Physical indicators of Black Silicon Carbide Powder For Coated Abrasives

Moh’s hardness 9.2
نقطة الانصهار 2300 ℃ free
Operating temperature 1900℃
proportion 3.2-3.45 جم / سم 3
الكثافة الظاهرية 1.2-1.6 ز / سم 3
color أسود
Crystal form Hexagonal system
Elastic Modulus 58-65×106 psi
Thermal expansion coefficient 3.9-4.5 x10-6/ ℃
توصيل حراري 71-130 W/MK

Black silicon carbide P Grit granularity

تخصيص Average particle size(واحد)
P12 1815
P16 1324
P20 1000
P24 764
P30 642
P36 538
P40 425
P50 336
P60 269
P80 201
ص 100 162
P120 125
P150 100
P180 82
P220 68

Black silicon carbide P Grit micro powder

تخصيص D50 Value(واحد)
P240 58.2±2
P280 52.2±2
P320 46.2± 1.5
P360 40.5± 1.5
P400 35.0± 1.5
P500 30.2±1
P600 25.8±1
P800 21.8±1
P1000 18.3±1
P1200 15.3±1
P1500 12.6±1
P2000 10.3± 0.8
P2500 8.4± 0.5
P3000 6.2± 0.5
P4000 5.3±0.3
P5000 3.4±0.3


Black Silicon Carbide Powder For Coated Abrasives Applications

  1. طحن, تلميع
  2. Sandpaper, طحن عجلات
  3. Fiber discs, nylon polishing wheels
  4. Non-woven polishing wheels
  5. Sanding block, ورق زجاج, sandpaper sponge, إلخ.
  6. Sharpening machine, oil stone, oil stone, grinding stone, صقل, sharpening rod, إلخ.
  7. Coated wear-resistant layer
  8. Abrasive wire, grid grinding wheel, black gold steel wire drawing wheel
  9. Abrasion-resistant anti-corrosion mastic
  10. Metal, copper products grinding and polishing, إلخ.

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