مسكن > التعليمات > ما هو كربيد السيليكون المستعبدين نتريد?

ما هو كربيد السيليكون المستعبدين نتريد?

نيتريد المستعبدين كربيد السيليكون (NBSiC) هي مادة مركبة من السيراميك فريدة من نوعها والتي حظيت باهتمام كبير بسبب خصائصها الاستثنائية. It is formed by bonding silicon carbide (SiC) grains using a nitride ceramic phase, resulting in a robust and versatile material.

The Formation of Nitride Bonded Silicon Carbide

The creation of NBSiC involves a process known as nitridation. This process involves heating a mixture of silicon carbide powder and a nitrogen-containing compound, such as silicon nitride (Si3N4) or ammonia (NH3), in a nitrogen-rich atmosphere. The nitrogen reacts with the silicon in the SiC grains, forming a silicon nitride phase that bonds the SiC grains together. This results in a dense and mechanically strong composite material.

Key Characteristics of Nitride Bonded Silicon Carbide

Superior Thermal Shock Resistance

NBSiC exhibits excellent thermal shock resistance. It can withstand rapid temperature changes without cracking or fracturing, making it ideal for applications that involve rapid temperature fluctuations or thermal cycling.

High-Temperature Strength

The high-temperature strength of NBSiC makes it suitable for applications that require materials to maintain their mechanical integrity and structural ability at elevated temperatures. The SiC provides high inherent mechanical strength and resistance to creep, oxidation, and corrosion at elevated temperatures. The Si3N4 phase acts as a bonding agent, enhancing the material’s fracture toughness and thermal shock resistance.

ارتداء المقاومة

NBSiC is extremely hard, boasting one of the highest hardness values among engineering materials. It is highly resistant to wear and abrasion from hard particles and surfaces. بالإضافة إلى ذلك, it has a low coefficient of friction, meaning that it has good lubricating properties and can reduce the friction between mating surfaces.

Structural Integrity

NBSiC provides excellent mechanical strength and toughness, even under heavy loads or impacts. It is chemically inert and resistant to most chemicals, بما في ذلك الأحماض والقلويات, making it suitable for corrosive environments.

Nitride Bonded Silicon Carbide Properties

ملكية Value
كثافة (g/cc) 2.60-2.72
Modulus of Rupture (MPa) 65
Apparent Porosity (%) 13-16
Max Use Temperature (درجة مئوية) 1525
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (1 x 10^-6 in/in °C) 4.9
الموصلية الحرارية (ث/م ك) 18


Applications of Nitride Bonded Silicon Carbide

NBSiC is commonly used in the production of kiln furniture, which are the supports and structures used in high-temperature furnaces for firing ceramics, زجاج, ومواد أخرى. It is also used in the production of metal casting components, such as crucibles and ladles, which are used for melting and casting of metals.

NBSiC can be used to produce wear-resistant components, مثل الأختام, فوهات, tiles, and liners, for use in abrasive and erosive environments, such as in metallurgy, التعدين, and chemical processing. It can also be used to produce burner components, such as burner nozzles and flame holders, for high-temperature combustion processes.

NBSiC is used in the production of thermocouple protection tubes, which are used in high-temperature environments to protect thermocouples, which are temperature sensors, from harsh conditions. NBSiC can also be used to produce refractory linings for furnaces and other high-temperature environments.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Nitride Bonded Silicon Carbide (NBSiC) formed?

NBSiC is a ceramic material that is formed by reacting silicon powder with nitrogen gas at high temperatures in the presence of a sintering aid, typically magnesium. The reaction between silicon and nitrogen forms silicon nitride (Si3N4) while the sintering aid facilitates the densification of the material, resulting in a dense and high-strength ceramic.

What are the applications of Nitride Bonded Silicon Carbide (NBSiC)?

NBSiC is commonly used in applications where high strength, صلابة, and thermal stability are required, such as cutting tools, wear parts, رمان, and nozzles. It is also used in aerospace and automotive applications, such as gas turbine components, engine parts, والمبادلات الحرارية, due to its excellent high-temperature performance. NBSiC is also used in specialized applications, such as in the semiconductor industry, due to its unique properties.

How is Nitride Bonded Silicon Carbide different from other silicon carbide ceramics?

NBSiC is different from other silicon carbide ceramics, such as hot-pressed silicon carbide (HP SiC) أو sintered silicon carbide (SSIC), in terms of its fabrication method. NB SiC is formed by a reactive process where silicon reacts with nitrogen gas, whereas HP SiC and SSiC are formed by sintering of silicon carbide powders. NB SiC typically has lower density and slightly lower mechanical properties compared to HP SiC and SSiC, but it can offer advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness and ease of processing.


نيتريد المستعبدين كربيد السيليكون (NBSiC) is a versatile and robust material that offers a wide range of applications due to its unique properties. Its superior thermal shock resistance, قوة درجات الحرارة العالية, ارتداء المقاومة, and structural integrity make it a preferred choice for many industries. Whether it’s for use in high-temperature furnaces, metal casting, or wear-resistant components, NBSiC stands as a testament to the power of innovative material science.

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