ما هو α-SiC ?
كربيد السيليكون (SiC), a versatile compound with significant applications in numerous industries, exists in many different crystalline structures known as polytypes. Among these polytypes, ال
كربيد السيليكون (SiC), a versatile compound with significant applications in numerous industries, exists in many different crystalline structures known as polytypes. Among these polytypes, ال
كربيد السيليكون (SiC), المعروف أيضا باسم carborundum, is a semiconductor containing silicon and carbon. It occurs in nature as the extremely rare mineral moissanite. اصطناعي
كربيد السيليكون بيتا (β-SiC) is a synthetic compound composed of silicon and carbon atoms arranged in a tetrahedral structure. It’s a polymorph of silicon carbide,
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