La société coréenne, un acteur majeur de l'industrie des abrasifs, À l'avenir, il entrera en coopération stratégique avec HSA, un fournisseur professionnel d'abrasifs chinois, développer sa propre marque de papier abrasif. Spécialisée dans l'importation et la vente d'abrasifs, The Korean Company is taking a leap forward by creating a distinctive line of sandpaper to meet the evolving needs of its customers.
Client’s Requirements
나병헌, representing Korean Company, initiated the collaboration by expressing the company’s interest in sourcing raw materials for their new abrasive sandpaper project. The required abrasives include black silicon carbide, carbure de silicium vert, brown corundum, corindon blanc, carbure de bore, and SG abrasives. En outre, Mr.나병헌 sought samples for black silicon carbide (P60, 1kg), carbure de silicium vert (P60, 1kg), and 200g samples of other abrasives at P60 grit. The company aims to procure 20 tons of black and green silicon carbide every 3 months.
Communication Process
The communication between the Korean Company and HSA Company has been seamless. Detailed specifications and quantities were provided by Mr.나병헌, facilitating a clear understanding of the client’s requirements. HSA Company responded promptly, ensuring that all queries were addressed promptly and efficiently. Samples are expected to be sent for evaluation based on the provided specifications.
Product Usage
The raw materials supplied by the HSA company will be utilized in the manufacturing process of the Korean Company’s proprietary abrasive sandpaper. The sandpaper will be available in various grits and materials, catering to a diverse range of applications, including metalworking, travail du bois, et préparation de surface.
Extended Offerings
In addition to the abrasives, the Korean Company is exploring the possibility of sourcing abrasive glue liquid, phenolic resin, and paper for sandpaper (tissu, papier) in grades B, C, and D. Des échantillons de ces matériaux supplémentaires seront demandés pour évaluer leur compatibilité avec le processus de fabrication du papier de verre..
“Nous sommes très satisfaits des produits et services fournis par la société HSA. Ils ont été pour nous un fournisseur fiable et digne de confiance. Nous les recommandons vivement à tous ceux qui recherchent un fournisseur d'abrasifs.” – 나병헌