> ブログ > 酸化アルミニウム研磨材の価格



酸化アルミニウム研磨材は種類によって価格が異なります, 学年, 度胸, そしてサイズ. 一般的に, 間の支払いが期待できます $20 と $100 per kilogram for aluminum oxide abrasives.

  • 学年: Commercial grade aluminium oxide is the most affordable type, and it typically costs around $20 キログラムあたり.
  • 度胸: The grit of an abrasive refers to its coarseness. The higher the grit number, the finer the abrasive. Finer abrasives are more expensive than coarser abrasives. 例えば, 80 grit aluminium oxide costs around $25 キログラムあたり, while 120 grit aluminium oxide costs around $35 キログラムあたり.
  • 量: The price of aluminium oxide abrasives also decreases as the quantity increases. 例えば, a 25 kilogram bag of commercial grade aluminium oxide grit costs around $500, while a 100 kilogram bag costs around $1,000.

The following are approximate prices for alumina abrasives:

  • Brown fused aluminum oxide: $25-50 キログラムあたり
  • White fused aluminum oxide: $35-60 キログラムあたり
  • Ceramic aluminum oxide: $45-75 キログラムあたり
  • 電融アルミナ: $55-90 キログラムあたり
  • 度胸 60: $20-30 キログラムあたり
  • 度胸 120: $30-40 キログラムあたり
  • 度胸 240: $40-50 キログラムあたり

The price of aluminum oxide abrasives can also vary depending on the supplier and the quantity you purchase. If you are buying a large quantity, you can get a discounted price from 河南優れた研磨剤.

Aluminium Oxide Abrasives Supplier – 河南優れた研磨剤

河南優れた研磨剤の輸入 & 輸出株式会社, 株式会社 (HSA) is a distinguished provider of Silicon Carbide, aluminium oxide and related products in China. 以上で 20 研磨分野での長年の経験, HSA は、評判の高いサプライヤーとしての地位を確立し、多くの有名な多国籍企業にとって重要なパートナーとしての地位を確立しています。. 当社の市場範囲はアメリカ全土に及びます, カナダ, 中東, ロシア, スペイン, 南アフリカ, 東南アジア, 以降.

One of HSA’s flagship products is 炭化ケイ素. Owing to our expertise and innovation, Our Silicon Carbide possesses a range of beneficial properties. It has low density, 耐食性, 高い熱伝導率, 高い機械的強度, and rigidity. さらに, it exhibits high hardness, wear and tear resistance, 高温耐性, and a low coefficient of thermal expansion. These properties make it a sought-after product in various industries​.

How to Choose aluminium oxide abrasives

When choosing aluminium oxide abrasives, it’s important to consider the following factors:

  • The type of work you’ll be doing: If you’ll be doing heavy-duty work, you’ll need a more durable abrasive.
  • The surface you’ll be working on: Some abrasives are better suited for certain surfaces than others.
  • Your budget: Aluminium oxide abrasives can range in price from a few dollars to several hundred dollars.

If you have needs for aluminium oxide abrasives, お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい!



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