> ブログ > 褐色電融アルミナの原料操作, 中国の白色溶融アルミナと炭化ケイ素 2023

褐色電融アルミナの原料操作, 中国の白色溶融アルミナと炭化ケイ素 2023

褐色電融アルミナの原料操作, 中国の白色溶融アルミナと炭化ケイ素 2023

中国工作機械工業協会研磨材支部の統計によると: の 2023, China’s 褐色電融アルミナ production is about 740,000 トン, 白色溶融アルミナ production is about 550,000 トン, 黒の炭化ケイ素 production is about 1,028,000 トン, と グリーン炭化ケイ素 production is about 90,000 トン.


の 2023, according to incomplete statistics, brown fused alumina production of about 740,000 トン, down 5.2%, of which 320,000 tons in Henan, 120,000 tons in Guizhou, 150,000 tons in Shanxi, 130,000 tons in Chongqing, Guangxi 20,000 トン. The average price, brown fused alumina block 590 ~ 620 ドル / ton, section sand 670 ~ 700 ドル / ton, grain size sand coarse 725 ~ 750 ドル / ton.


The output in 2023 is about 550,000 トン, down 11% year-on-year, 含む 340,000 tons in Henan and 210,000 tons in Shandong. In terms of average price, white fused alumina block is $83~87/ton, segmented sand is $655~685/ton, and granular sand is $720~755/ton.


The output in 2023 is about 1.028 million tons, with a year-on-year growth of 3.8%. その中で, 510,000 tons in Gansu area, 330,000 tons in Ningxia area, 100,000 tons in Inner Mongolia, と 88,000 tons in Hubei and Qinghai. As for the average price, the first-grade block is $1100~1120/ton, the second-grade block is $915~945/ton, the segmented sand is $1155~1200/ton, the granular sand is $1325~1355/ton for coarse grade and $1360~1390/ton for fine grade.


The output in 2023 is about 90,000 トン, an increase of 50% year-on-year, of which 70,000 tons in Xinjiang and 20,000 tons in Sichuan. Average price, the original block 1690 ~ 1835 ドル / ton, grain size sand 2255 ~ 2400 ドル / ton, マイクロパウダー 3100 ~ 3385 ドル / ton.


河南優れた研磨剤 (HSA) is a company based in Henan, 中国, specializing in the production and supply of Silicon Carbide (SiC) 原材料. 黒色炭化ケイ素を含む幅広いSiC製品を提供しています, グリーン炭化ケイ素, 白色溶融アルミナ (WFA) and Brown fused alumina (ABR), 研磨材など様々な産業で使用可能, 耐火物, セラミック, とエレクトロニクス.

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