융합된 칼슘 알루미네이트

Fused Calcium aluminate

융합된 칼슘 알루미네이트

Fused Calcium Aluminate is made of high quality lime and bauxite as the main raw materials, which is melted in an electric furnace according to a certain proportion, cooled, crushed and sieved into products with different particle sizes.


Fused-Calcium-aluminate-FCA융합된 칼슘 알루미네이트 (FCA) is a high-performance synthetic flux material designed for applications in the steel, 시멘트, and refractory industries. Produced through an advanced fusion process, FCA offers high alumina content, low impurity levels, and consistent quality. It is particularly valued for its efficiency in ladle refining, improving metallurgical processes by reducing impurities such as sulfur and phosphorus. Its versatility and environmentally friendly composition make it a preferred choice across various industries.


유형물리화학적 지수크기
높은 염기도≤5.0≥35≤1.5≤0.3≥55≤2.0≤0.1≤0.05≤13800-50mm
High Al₂O₃≤5.0≥50≤1.5≤2.0≥40≤5.0≤0.1≤0.05≤13800-50mm
낮은 SiO2≤2.0≥40≤1.5≤0.1≥50≤2.0≤0.05≤0.05≤13800-50mm
낮은 Ti≤5.0≥40≤1.5≤0.1≥50≤2.0≤0.1≤0.05≤13800-50mm

Note: Can be adjusted according to user needs.


Steel Industry​

Acts as a flux in ladle refining, improving desulfurization and dephosphorization.

내화 벽돌

A component in castables for cement and steel industries.

Cement Production

Enhances early-stage strength in calcium aluminate cement.

폐기물 처리

Used in hazardous waste solidification.

블랙 실리콘 카바이드

검은색 탄화규소는 널리 사용되는 연마 제품입니다., 우수한 내마모성, 높은 경도, 고밀도, 낮은 불순물 및 기타 장점, 일반적으로 샌드 블라스팅 연삭에 사용, 세련, 자유 연삭, 다양한 연마제 만들기, 등.

블랙 실리콘 카바이드
녹색 탄화규소

녹색 탄화규소

녹색 탄화규소는 저항로에서 정제된 석영 모래와 석유 코크스로 만들어집니다., 상대적으로 안정적인 화학적 특성으로 인해, 높은 열전도율, 낮은 열팽창 계수, 및 좋은 내마모성.



이메일 주소





No.68 Zhengtong Road, 정저우, 허난, 중국

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