Дом > Блог > Черный карбид кремния P Grit

Черный карбид кремния P Grit

Черный карбид кремния P Grit

Черный карбид кремния P grit is the abrasive used for coated abrasives. Its raw material is the same as black silicon carbide F grit, which is the first grade silicon carbide lump from quartz sand and coke high temperature smelting. Black silicon carbide P grit has a SiC purity of 98% или больше, and is acid-washed before crushing, and the particles are sieved according to the standard P abrasive. The hardness of black silicon carbide is 9.2-9.3, slightly lower than green silicon carbide. It has higher hardness and toughness than corundum, good grinding power, and is suitable for grinding of various metal and non-metal materials.

Black Silicon Carbide P Grit Characteristics

The абразивы из карбида кремния used in the manufacture of abrasives have the following characteristics in addition to the good thermodynamic and physical properties of silicon carbide.

1. high purity, the guaranteed value of silicon carbide content is over 98%.
2. Black silicon carbide P Grit is acid washed in two passes, the first one is cleaning before crushing and the second one is cleaning after sieving, which removes the free carbon and free silicon produced during the smelting process, with less suspended matter and high cleanliness.
3. Black silicon carbide P Grit has good hydrophilicity, which is conducive to the degree of holding and bonding of the particles to the substrate.
4. P standard silicon carbide particle size distribution is more concentrated than F standard abrasives, and the abrasives coated with abrasives are only attached to a layer of the substrate, which requires the abrasives to participate in grinding as much as possible. The content of basic grains is high and the content of large grains is strictly controlled, while fine grains will increase the amount of desanding of abrasives, and the content of fine grains and dust should be as low as possible.
5. Silicon carbide abrasives for abrasive production require suitable bulk density, which is generally smaller than silicon carbide F Grit. The particle shape is multi-pronged or cone shaped, with strong grinding power.

Black Silicon Carbide P Grit Chemical composition

Карбид кремния ≥98%
SiO2 ≤1%
ЧАС2О3 ≤0,5%
Fe2О3 ≤0,1%
ФК ≤0,15%
Магниты ≤0,02%

Physical indicators of black silicon carbide P Grit

Твердость по Моосу 9.2
температура плавления 2300 ℃ бесплатно
Рабочая температура 1900℃
пропорция 3.2-3.45 г/см 3
Объемная плотность 1.2-1.6 г/см3
цвет черный
Кристаллическая форма Шестиугольная система
Модуль упругости 58-65×106 пси
Коэффициент теплового расширения 3.9-4.5 х10-6/ ℃
Теплопроводность 71-130 Ж/МК

Applications of black silicon carbide P grit

  • Coated abrasives for stone glass, например наждачная бумага, наждачная бумага.
  • Sponge sanding block, black diamond and other flexible abrasives.
  • Can be used as raw materials for polishing wheels, wire drawing wheels, polishing grid sanding discs and other abrasives.
  • Used for products such as skateboard wear-resistant surface sand, nail tools wear-resistant layer.
  • Raw material for abrasive wire and abrasive brush.
  • Used as raw material for polishing abrasives such as oil stone, sharpening stone and other tools.
  • Direct grinding, such as gemstone agate, glass artwork polishing and grinding, так далее.

Common specifications of black silicon carbide P grit

Черный карбид кремния P, зерно: 16#,20#,24#,30#,36#,40#,50#,60#,80#,100#,120#,150#,180#,220#

Black silicon carbide P standard micro powder: 240#,280#,320#,360#,400#,500#,600#,800#,1000#,1200#,1500#,2000#,2500#,3000#,4000#,5000#

Black silicon carbide P grit grain size distribution

Granularity Coarse Grain coarse grain elementary particles mixed grain sieve sum fine grain
100% passed the following sieves do not pass the sieve wt%
not more than
do not pass the sieve wt%
not less than
don’t pass
not less than
pass the sieve wt%
not less than
wt% not more than
стр16 8 12 3 14 20-32 14 16 66-84 14 16 18 96 4
P20 12 16 7 18 34-50 18 20 80-92 18 20 25 96 4
P24 14 18 1 20 10-18 20 25 53-70 20 25 30 92 8
P30 16 20 1 25 10-18 25 30 53-70 25 30 35 92 8
P36 18 25 1 30 10-18 30 35 53-70 30 35 40 92 8
Р40 25 35 7 40 34-50 40 45 80-92 40 45 50 96 4
Р50 30 40 3 45 20-32 45 50 66-84 45 50 60 96 4
Р60 35 45 1 50 10-18 50 60 53-70 50 60 70 92 8
P80 45 60 3 70 20-32 70 80 66-84 70 80 100 96 4
Р100 50 70 1 80 10-18 80 100 53-70 80 100 120 92 8
Р120 70 100 7 120 34-50 120 140 80-92 120 140 170 96 4
Р150 80 120 3 140 20-32 140 170 66-84 140 170 200 96 4
Р180 100 140 2 170 10-20 170 200 50-84 170 200 230 90 10
P220 120 170 2 200 10-20 200 230 50-84 200 230 270 90 10

P-standard micropowder particle size composition standard

granularity D0(um) Д3(один) Д50(one) D95(one)
P240 Below 110 Below 81.7 58.5±2,0 44.5 and above
Р280 Below 101 Below 74.0 52.2±2,0 39.2 and above
Р320 Below 94 Below 66.8 46.2±1,5 34.2 and above
Р360 Below 87 Below 60.3 40.5±1,5 29.6 and above
Р400 Below 81 Below 53.9 35.0±1,5 25.2 and above
P500 Below 77 48.3 or less 30.2±1,5 21.5 and above
Р600 Below 72 Below 43.0 25.8±1,0 18.0 and above
Р800 Below 67 38.1 or less 21.8±1,0 15.1 and above
P1000 Below 63 Below 33.7 18.3±1,0 12.4 and above
Р1200 Below 58 29.7 or less 15.3±1,0 10.2 and above
P1500 Below 53 22.4 or less 12.6±1,0 8.3 and above
P2000 Below 45 19.3 and below 10.3±0,8 6.7 and above
Р2500 Below 38 14.0 and below 8.4±0,5 5.4 and above
Р3000 Below 32 Below 12.0 6.7±0,5 3.0 or above
P4000 Below 27 11.0 and below 5.5±0,5 2.0 or above
P5000 23 or less Below 8.0 4±0,5 1.8 or above


Packaging of black silicon carbide

  • 25kg lined woven bags
  • 25kg woven bags, 1 ton bag
  • 25kg woven bag, 1 ton pallet
  • 25kg paper bag, 1 ton pallet
  • Other packaging can be customized according to customer requirements

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