Зеленый микропорошок карбида кремния is a product made of green silicon carbide raw block by Barmac grinder, Raymond mill or ball mill crushing ultra-fine powder, then by ultrasonic and sieving to get the mesh we use.
Green Silicon Carbide Powder Characteristics
Green silicon carbide micro powder has green color, Кристальная структура, высокая твердость, сильная режущая способность, stable chemical properties and good thermal conductivity. Microscopic shape is hexagonal crystal, silicon carbide Mohs hardness is 9.2, Vickers microhardness is 3000-3300 kg/mm2, Nuptial hardness is 2670-2815 kg/mm2, microhardness is 3300 kg/cm3. Higher than corundum, the abrasive is second only to diamond, кубический нитрид бора и карбид бора. The density is generally considered to be 3.20 г/мм. Естественная насыпная плотность абразивов из карбида кремния находится между 1.2-1.6 г/мм, с удельным весом 3.20-3.25. Green silicon carbide is made from petroleum coke and silica as the main raw materials, with salt added as an additive, and melted at high temperature in a resistance furnace. Его твердость находится между корундом и алмазом., и его механическая прочность выше, чем у корунда.
Green Silicon Carbide Powder Usage
1. Зеленый карбид кремния micro powder can be used for solidifying and coating abrasives, бесплатная шлифовка и полировка, так далее. Green silicon carbide powder is suitable for making grinding wheels, масляные камни, наждачная бумага, наждачная ткань, construction grinding heads, так далее.
2. Abrasives made of green silicon carbide are suitable for processing materials of high hardness and brittleness. Their hardness is between corundum and diamond, and their mechanical strength is higher than corundum. They are suitable for machining and grinding cylinder liners, клапаны, сопла, масляные насосы, подшипники, чугун, цементированный карбид, titanium alloy and grinding HSS tools.
3. Green silicon carbide can also cut, grind and polish brittle non-metallic materials such as optical glass, керамика, кристаллы, электроника, кристаллы, кремний, germanium, камень, agate and jewelry jade, decorative materials, нагревательные элементы и термоэлементы.
4. Green silicon carbide powder is used to make огнеупорные материалы.
5. It is suitable for the exterior painting of various outdoor building objects, the painting of various non-ferrous metal objects, the treatment of various exhaust gases, так далее. And make full use of the anti-friction (can resist all kinds of strong friction), устойчивость к коррозии (can resist all kinds of strong chemical corrosion such as strong acid and alkali), высокая термостойкость (can resist high temperature above 2000 degrees Celsius without dissolving), strong thermal shock resistance (can resist all kinds of high strength heat).
6. Suitable for a layer of lining material of high melting point alloy casting shell.
7. Suitable for the manufacture of high-temperature seals, furnace structural parts, high-temperature nozzles and filters, автомобильный, aviation cylinders, клапаны, blades, combustion chambers, сопла, химический, textile, бумага, geological minerals, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant structural parts, high-temperature resistant structural parts, electronic substrates, military structures and other high-tech ceramic parts.
Green Silicon Carbide Powder Supplier
Импорт абразивных материалов Хэнань Superior & Экспорт Ко., ООО. (HSA), установлен в 2001, является ведущим поставщиком карбида кремния и сопутствующих товаров в Китае.. Our markets cover USA, Канада, Средний Восток, Россия, Испания, Южная Африка, Юго-Восточная Азия, так далее. If you have demand for silicon carbide, welcome to contact us to get the latest offer of silicon carbide.