Toplu Satın Alma Endüstrisi Silisyum Karbür Kumu
Silicon carbide is a versatile material widely used in various industries for its exceptional properties. From abrasives to semiconductors, silicon carbide plays a vital role
Silicon carbide is a versatile material widely used in various industries for its exceptional properties. From abrasives to semiconductors, silicon carbide plays a vital role
Properties of Silicon Carbide Crystal Physical Properties Silicon carbide is recognized for its hardness, elmas ve bor karbürden sonra ikinci sırada. It also has a
Silisyum Karbürü Anlamak (SiC) Silisyum Karbür, elektrik dirençli fırınlarda Acheson işlemiyle en yaygın olarak üretilen sentetik bir malzemedir., named after its inventor
Silicon carbide is a popular material in the industry due to its excellent mechanical, elektriksel, ve termal özellikler. One variation of SiC is recrystallized silicon carbide (RSiC),
What are Silicon Carbide Blades? Silicon carbide is a compound made up of silicon and carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice. It is a
Silicon carbide is a compound made up of silicon and carbon atoms. It is a hard and strong material with a high melting point, making
Metallurgical Deoxidizers Deoxidizers play a critical role in the metallurgical process. Erimiş metalden çözünmüş oksijenin uzaklaştırılmasına yardımcı olurlar, thus reducing the potential for oxidation
Black silicon carbide sandpaper is a popular abrasive tool that’s widely used in a variety of applications. Sertliğiyle tanınır, kuvvet, ve dayanıklılık, it’s
In the world of mechanical engineering, bearings play a crucial role in reducing friction and wear between moving parts. The advent of new materials has
Black SiC, dökme demir üzerinde çalışmak için uygundur, Demir olmayan metal, kaynak, deri, lastik, vb. Ayrıca, refrakter malzeme ve metalürjik katkı maddesi olarak da yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır..
Siyah Silisyum Karbür Makro İrmik
Siyah Silisyum Karbür Mikro Toz
Yeşil SiC, sert alaşımların işlenmesi için uygundur, bakır gibi sert ve kırılgan özelliklere sahip metalik ve metalik olmayan malzemeler, pirinç, alüminyum, magnezyum, mücevher, optik cam, seramik, vb. Süper tozu da bir çeşit seramik malzemedir..
Yeşil Silisyum Karbür Makro İrmik
Yeşil Silisyum Karbür Mikro Toz
+86- 371- 6389 8989
No.68 Zhengtong Yolu, Zhengzhou, Henan, Çin