Çin'de Silisyum Karbür Aşındırıcılar Fiyatı
The price of silicon carbide abrasives in China varies depending on the type, grade, and size of the abrasive. Örneğin, the price of black
The price of silicon carbide abrasives in China varies depending on the type, grade, and size of the abrasive. Örneğin, the price of black
Silicon carbide heat exchangers are one of the most innovative and resilient solutions available in the heat exchange industry today. They’ve revolutionized the way we
silisyum karbür (SiC), carborundum olarak da bilinir, is a semiconductor material that is widely used in various industries due to its exceptional properties such as
Pink aluminium oxide, often referred to as Pink Fused Alumina (PFA), is a popular synthetic material known for its hardness and durability. This material is
Kendinizi hiç gelişmiş malzemelerin dünyasını merak ederken buldunuz mu?? Silisyum Karbür gibi elementlerin kullanıldığı büyüleyici bir alan. (SiC) ve Bor Karbür
In the world of woodworking, the choice of abrasive materials used in sanding and polishing can significantly impact the final product. Two popular materials, silikon
Understanding Rock Tumbling What is Rock Tumbling? Rock tumbling, in essence, is a process that polishes stones and rocks to reveal their hidden beauty. It’s
silisyum karbür (SiC) is a semiconductor material with a unique combination of properties, yüksek sertlik gibi, mükemmel termal iletkenlik, and a high band gap,
Fused alumina is a product of the fusion of high-quality bauxite in an electric arc furnace at temperatures exceeding 2000°C. The resultant product is a
Black SiC, dökme demir üzerinde çalışmak için uygundur, Demir olmayan metal, kaynak, deri, lastik, vb. Ayrıca, refrakter malzeme ve metalürjik katkı maddesi olarak da yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır..
Siyah Silisyum Karbür Makro İrmik
Siyah Silisyum Karbür Mikro Toz
Yeşil SiC, sert alaşımların işlenmesi için uygundur, bakır gibi sert ve kırılgan özelliklere sahip metalik ve metalik olmayan malzemeler, pirinç, alüminyum, magnezyum, mücevher, optik cam, seramik, vb. Süper tozu da bir çeşit seramik malzemedir..
Yeşil Silisyum Karbür Makro İrmik
Yeşil Silisyum Karbür Mikro Toz
+86- 371- 6389 8989
No.68 Zhengtong Yolu, Zhengzhou, Henan, Çin