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SiC Aşındırıcı Kumlama Ortamı: Bilmeniz Gerekenler

SiC Aşındırıcı Kumlama Ortamı

When it comes to abrasive blasting medium, silisyum karbür (SiC) is a popular choice for many industrial and manufacturing applications. This synthetic mineral offers several advantages over traditional abrasives like sand or metal shot.

SiC Nedir??

Silicon carbide is an extremely hard, chemically inert, and durable compound made from silicon and carbon. It’s available in various grades, colors, and mesh sizes for different blasting applications. The angular shape and hardness of SiC particles make them effective for cleaning, çapak alma, ve yüzey hazırlığı.

Benefits of SiC Blasting Medium

  • Hardness and Cutting Ability: Mohs sertliği ile 9-9.5, SiC is second only to diamond, giving it superior cutting power compared to other abrasives.
  • Low Dust and Breakdown Rate: SiC particles fracture along crystalline planes rather than shattering, resulting in lower dust levels and longer medium life.
  • Recyclability: The durable nature of SiC allows it to be reused multiple times, reducing medium consumption and disposal costs.
  • Non-Metallic: Being non-metallic, SiC won’t cause issues like embedding or cross-contamination when blasting non-ferrous metals.
  • kimyasal eylemsizlik: SiC is highly resistant to acids, alkaliler, ve oksidasyon, making it suitable for harsh environments.


SiC blasting medium finds applications across various industries:

  • havacılık: Used for deburring, cleaning, and peening of aircraft components.
  • Otomotiv: Ideal for removing rust, boyamak, and surface preparation before coating.
  • Foundries: Effective for cleaning and desanding cast parts.
  • Shipyards: Used for hull cleaning and surface preparation.
  • Oil/Gas: Suitable for cleaning and preparing surfaces in refineries and offshore rigs.

Güvenlik önlemleri

While SiC is a safe abrasive when used properly, it’s essential to follow safety guidelines. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (KKD) such as respirators, protective clothing, and eye/ear protection. Ensure adequate ventilation and dust collection systems are in place.

Özetle, SiC abrasive blasting medium offers superior hardness, dayanıklılık, and recyclability, making it a versatile choice for numerous industrial blasting applications. Yine de, proper safety measures should always be observed when working with any abrasive medium.

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