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Pas giderme için siyah silisyum karbür

Pas giderme için siyah silisyum karbür

Siyah silisyum karbür is a very effective rust removal tool. Silisyum karbür serttir, sharp abrasive that has been used in sandblasting and other industrial applications for many years. It’s also a popular choice for rust removal because it’s very efficient and can quickly remove rust from surfaces.

Silicon carbide is usually black, but it can also be green or dark grey depending on its grade. Black silicon carbide has the highest hardness of any abrasive material, making it an excellent tool for removing tough rust deposits. It’s also less likely to cause damage to the surface being cleaned than other forms of abrasives like steel or aluminum oxide. When used with appropriate safety gear and cautious technique, black silicon carbide can help you restore rusty items to their original condition without causing harm to yourself or your surroundings.

Black silicon carbide Features

  1. Black silicon carbide is a widely used abrasive product with excellent wear resistance, yüksek sertlik, high density and low impurities, which is commonly used in sandblasting and polishing, ücretsiz taşlama, çeşitli aşındırıcılar yapmak, vb.
  2. Due to its high hardness, density and stable crystal structure, black silicon carbide abrasive can be crushed and made into various size products, with coarse abrasive, black silicon carbide macro grits, siyah silisyum karbür mikro toz and other abrasive products ranging from 16 mesh to 5000 mesh available.
  3. Black silicon carbide macro grits is generally used for sandblasting and rust removal, making grinding wheels, grinding stones, zımpara kağıdı, sand belts and other aşındırıcılar, and black silicon carbide micronized powder is generally used for free grinding or sandblasting and polishing.

Black silicon carbide advantages

  • Silicon carbide due to chemical stability, yüksek ısı iletkenliği, düşük termal genleşme katsayısı, good wear resistance, in addition to abrasive use, there are many other uses, örneğin: a special process to silicon carbide powder coated in the impeller of a hydraulic turbine or the inner wall of the cylinder body, can improve its wear resistance and extend the service life of 1 ile 2 zamanlar.
  • Used to make ısıya dayanıklı malzemeler, heat shock, small size, light weight and high strength, good energy-saving effect. Low-grade silicon carbide (containing about 85% SiC) is an excellent deoxidizer, which can accelerate the speed of steelmaking, and facilitate the control of chemical composition, çelik kalitesini artırmak. Ek olarak, siyah silisyum karbür ayrıca elektrikli ısıtma elemanı silikon karbon çubuklar yapmak için büyük miktarlarda kullanılır..

Black silicon carbide manufacturer

We are a reputed black silicon carbide manufacturer based in China. Çin'de silisyum karbür ve ilgili ürünlerin lider sağlayıcısı olarak, Ürünlerimiz refrakterde kullanım alanı bulmaktadır., aşındırıcılar, teknik seramik, vb. Üretim kapasitemiz, bizi tercih edilen bir tedarikçi yapan faktörlerden sadece bir tanesidir.. dan fazla süredir varız 20 yıllar, ve tedarik pazarlarımız Amerika'yı kapsıyor, Kanada, ispanya, Rusya, Güney Afrika, vb. Yıllık üretimimiz $9.3 milyon, hangi çevirir 12,800 ton aylık çıktı. Büyümede ortağınız olarak bizi seçmeniz, yüksek kaliteli malzemelerimizden emin olduğunuz anlamına gelir, zamanında profesyonel hizmet ile desteklenir. Biz siyah ve yeşil silisyum karbür farklı endüstriyel kullanımınız için.

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