> 博客 > 工厂批发 F16-F220 黑色碳化硅磨粒

工厂批发 F16-F220 黑色碳化硅磨粒

F16-F220 研磨用黑色碳化硅粗粒

黑碳化硅 use quartz sand and petroleum coke as the main raw material, 高温电阻炉熔炼原料 . 黑碳化硅含SiC约 95%. The toughness is higher than that of green silicon carbide, black crystals. The microhardness is HV3100-3280kg / mm², brittle and sharp and has a certain electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity. Abrasive made of black silicon carbide is suitable for grinding cast iron, nonferrous metals and rubber, 皮革, 塑料, 木头, minerals and other non-metallic materials. 此外, you can make advanced refractory material 等等.

Black silicon carbide Commonly used size:

SiC Crude: 0-10毫米 | 1-10毫米 …
SiC Split: 6×8|8×10|10×16|…
SiC Grits: F16 F24 F30 F36 F40 F46 F54 F60 F70 F80 F90 F100 F120 F150 F180 F220
粉末:F240 F280 F300 F320 F400 F500 F600 F800 F1000 F1200 F1500 F2000
密度: 3.85克/立方厘米.
堆积密度: 1.72-1.95克/立方厘米.
外貌: Black or green crystal

Black Silicon Carbide Content for Concretion Grinder
Brand 粒度 化学成分(%)
碳化硅(分钟) F.C(最大限度) 三氧化二铁(最大限度)
黑碳化硅 F12-F90 98.5 0.20 0.60
F100-F150 98.5 0.30 0.80
F180-F220 97.0 0.30 1.20

Black silicon carbide application

  1. Silicon carbide for coated abrasive
  2. Silicon carbide for cutting abrasive
  3. Silicon carbide for grinding
  4. Silicon carbide for polishing

Black silicon carbide Supplier

河南优之源进口 & 出口公司, 有限公司 (高铁) 成立于 2001 是国内知名的碳化硅磨料供应商, Our products include silicon carbide powder, silicon carbide grits, silicon carbide crude , sic split of various particle sizes.We are committed to providing high quality silicon carbide raw materials to our global customers, if you are also interested in silicon carbide, 欢迎联系我们!



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