> 博客 > 绿碳化硅微粉如何贮存和运输?



As one of the common abrasives in the market, 绿碳化硅微粉 has a concentrated and uniform particle size distribution, high purity, large crystals, high thermal shock stability and load softening temperature, good self-sharpening and good grinding properties. Its polishing performance, mainly used in single crystal silicon wire cutting, glass polishing, precision grinding wheel manufacturing, ceramic polishing, crystal grinding, filling and plastic products modification and many other fields. So how to save and transport green silicon carbide micronized powder? Let HSA (河南优磨具), the manufacturer of silicon carbide, give you a detailed explanation.

Storage and transportation of green silicon carbide micronized powder

Green silicon carbide micronized powder transportationGood product effect is the main reason for its wide application. In order to ensure its good effect, in addition to the good performance of the product itself, attention should be paid to the problem that green silicon carbide powder tends to pile up into clumps during the transportation process. 今天, we mainly discuss the problems that should be paid attention to during the storage and transportation of green silicon carbide micronized powder.

1. Green silicon carbide micronized powder is strictly prohibited from flooding. Because 绿碳化硅 is a kind of powder advanced abrasive, whether stored, transported or used, it must be prevented from flooding. Because if it is flooded with water will seriously affect its use effect.

2. Pay attention to the key points of green silicon carbide storage. In the storage of green silicon carbide powder, to prevent the rupture of the internal and external packaging bags, stored in a cool, dry place, away from sources of pollution, avoid contact with moist substances, otherwise it will affect the effect of its use.

3. Green silicon carbide powder transportation and handling. During the transportation of green silicon carbide powder, it should be prevented from mixing with hard materials, lightly added and lightly unloaded to reduce packaging breakage; do not drag with hooks, no strong vibration, friction, trampling, crushing, strictly prohibited from throwing, affecting the use.

河南优磨具 – Professinal Silicon Carbide Manufacturer

河南优磨具 是专业的碳化硅制造商, 本着 “顾客至上, 诚信至上”, 与多家企业建立了长期合作关系. If you have any demand in this area, 欢迎联系我们!



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