> 常问问题 > 哪里可以买到碳化硅砂?




碳化硅砂 is an extremely hard material used in a variety of industrial and commercial applications. It is primarily composed of silicon and carbon, making it incredibly durable and abrasive. The grit can be found in a variety of sizes ranging from ultra-fine to coarse, making it suitable for many different kinds of jobs. Silicon Carbide grits are often used as an abrasive media in the sandblasting process, providing an effective way to remove rust or other contaminants from metal surfaces. 此外, they are regularly employed as grinding materials for machining metals and plastics due to their high hardness rating.

In addition to its industrial uses, Silicon Carbide Grit also serves cosmetic purposes such as creating a matte finish on finished products or polishing gemstones for jewelry making.


Silicon carbide grit has become popular for its durability and ability to cut quickly through a variety of materials. There are several types of silicon carbide grit available, each with its own unique properties that make it suitable for different applications.

The most common type of silicon carbide grit is 黑碳化硅, which has high hardness and strength levels along with excellent thermal conductivity. This makes it ideal for grinding hard metals such as steel and aluminum. 绿碳化硅 is the second most common type and has lower hardness than Black Silicon Carbide, but higher thermal conductivity along with excellent chemical stability.

How To Buy Silicon Carbide Grit?

If you’re looking to buy silicon carbide grit, there are many options. But buying high-quality silicon carbide grit is not a simple matter.

One option is online retailers like Amazon or eBay. These sites offer various sizes, shapes and grades of silicon carbide (碳化硅), which can easily be purchased from the comfort of your own home. 此外, buying from these websites often offers some degree of protection against scams or false advertising.

Another option for those looking to purchase SiC are specialty abrasive suppliers such as 河南优之源磨料.

Silicon Carbide Grit Manufacturer

河南卓越磨具有限公司拥有超过 20 磨料领域多年经验. 我们是中国领先的碳化硅及相关产品供应商. 我们提供黑碳化硅, 硅石英砂, 和石油焦产品. 这些材料在高温下电熔以获得六方晶粒. 黑色碳化硅颗粒具有低热膨胀性, 高导电性和导热性, 非常难. They are available in the following sizes:

绿碳化硅, 质量高于黑碳化硅, 硬度接近钻石. 它提供了极好的抛光和研磨介质. 一种不受任何化学物质影响的材料. They are available in the following sizes:



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